Should you upgrade your website or is better to get a new one?
It depends on your budget and most importantly the quality of your current website. Here’s a good way I like to picture websites. Just like a builder….. you have a look at the existing home (WordPress website) then see if it has potential to be renovated or is just better to demolish it and not be lowered by the standards of the existing home. First you need to look at your existing website and see if just needs touch up and it will look the part. If you see the website as a really low level. Keep in mind it’s going to cap the graphic designers ability to make the overall site look good. Sometimes its better to have fresh approach to ensure the quality standards are of a high quality & your not restricting the designers ability.
Is your budget small?
A website re-design might be best where they use your existing frame work and modernise the layout. The issue is the improvement level won’t be night and day like starting a new website. Someone that’s done hundreds of websites will know if your existing layout is hard to work with, will the content will fit the new design & have that design agency talent is something that you don’t want to risk.
Budget sites work better in cheaper websites as the room for error in developing your wordpress website is restricted by a lot as theirs not much you can ask for that is tailored outside a normal standard theme in most cases.
Want to do it properly?
Look at your existing market and leading competitors on Google. How does their business look online?
The problem I have found in my wordpress takeover jobs is that the client usually has no benchmark or expertise to guide you to get to that high end quality. Sometimes as an expert you have to take the lead but also understand the requirements of the clients. A good WordPress designer should be able to showcase their work that matches their skill quality. In this industry nothing beats tasting the food yourself, going by words is a risk as the talent is varied in this industry from workers to professionals to design agency level.
If you come up with a good brief and competitors you will help your next web designer deliver something that you will be proud of and not suprised at the end when things don’t look high end. Keep in mind theirs also budget constraints I get many low paying clients who complain about their existing web designer, while only paying junior rates. You can’t expect high end work like a fashion designer from someone at Kmart.